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Photo of Colleen J. Ross

Colleen J. Ross

Integrated Content Director, Mellon Foundation LinkedIn icon

As integrated content director, Colleen J. Ross heads up a team that translates the Mellon Foundation’s priorities into compelling storytelling. Their mission is to connect with broader audiences about the potential to advance social justice through the arts and the humanities.

Previously, Colleen oversaw all marketing and communications activities for the groundbreaking personal history project, StoryCorps. In that role, she diversified the platforms on which StoryCorps stories are seen and heard and oversaw record engagement with the organization’s content. She also served on the leadership team at BRIC, a Brooklyn, NY-based multidisciplinary arts and media organization. Prior to working with other mission-driven organizations in New York City, Colleen was the director of marketing at WBEZ-FM Chicago Public Radio, a groundbreaking producer of public media titles you know and love.

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