How many Content Designers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Noni Hollonds
Experience Design Manager, Atlassian
"So you're looking at resourcing and finding content design support for multiple product teams. What's the best ratio of content designer to team? How many content designers do you need?
There's a balancing act to supporting #allthethings and having overworked/burnt-out content designers, or, not supporting some things in favour of deep content design support for others. So how do you make this decision?
In this talk, Noni will share her rules of thumb when it comes to content design resourcing, as well as a framework to help you get buy-in with cross-functional peers.
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Boost your mental fitness through Positive Intelligence
Sadia Ghazanfar
Slay Your Dragons
"As managers, how often do you feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious? Managers are at the forefront, leading people and teams to navigate a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world (VUCA). It's easy to get blindsided by our habitual ways of thinking and behaving when we're stressed and uncertain. Your Saboteurs generate all of your negative emotions: stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance. Your Sage handles challenges with a clear and calm mind and positive emotions: creativity, empathy, compassion, focus. When you are in full command of your mind you can choose to not stress out over what you can't control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend less time in anger, regret and blame.
Join me as I introduce the concept of Positive Intelligence (PQ). Positive Intelligence has boosted mental fitness and generated fantastic results for employees at Google, Microsoft and Pinterest - 91% manage stress better and 92% improved their ability to develop others. Learn a simple mind/body connection strategy to move from Saboteur to Sage self and inspire those you lead to do the same!
How to ace being a Content Leader when you work part time
Molly Whitehead-Jones
Lead Content Strategist, Co-op
"In this talk, Molly will share what she’s learned about being an effective leader in Co-op’s Customer Experience team while working less hours than her colleagues.
She’ll cover the tools and methods that help her stay organised, the behaviours that mean the team and work don’t slow down when she’s not around, and the importance of knowing and demonstrating your value when you work part time.
You’ll leave this talk with practical advice and tips that you can apply to your own work.
Building teams on trust
Sarah Johnson
Associate Sr. Mgr. Content Strategy, CVS
"Building thriving teams means building teams that trust. This talk explores authentic leadership as a means of hiring, managing, and coaching teams that trust. When teams trust each other and trust leadership, amazing things begin to happen. Collaboration and creativity increase. Job satisfaction and happiness improve. And team members learn to rely on leadership and colleagues for support, guidance, and feedback without worrying about appearing weak.
I'll share methods and techniques I've used while building out the Retail content strategy team at CVS, how to run team meetings that acknowledge accomplishments and allow for sharing work and asking for feedback, and how to educate and create a psychologically safe space where people can do their best work.